The Edo State Police Command’s operatives have apprehended an alleged cultist. According to the command’s spokesperson, Chidi Nwabuzor, the arrest took place on April 12 following intelligence received by an officer from the Evbotubu division.
Nwabuzor stated, “The Edo State Police have detained a suspected cultist, Endurance Otansowe, found in possession of a firearm in Benin City.” He added, “Upon receiving information about cult-related activities in the area, the divisional police officer of Evbotubu conducted a stop-and-search operation around Luciano Hotel Ogbiyokho, Ekhuan Road, Benin City.”
“In the course of the operation, the police intercepted and arrested the suspect, seizing a Branil pistol from him. Upon interrogation, the suspect admitted to possessing the illegal weapon.”
Nwabuzor further noted that the suspect would face charges in court once the investigation concludes.